Re: En dash = width of n?
An em dash where the width is equal to the UPM is barely usable for current day typography in my opinion. Therefore we always tailor de width of en/em dashes to the horizontal proportions of the type…6 -
Re: RoboFont vs Glyphs…
The user wins because there is choice.10 -
Re: Another script to batch process fonts with TTFAutohint
Hi Ramiro, Instead of letting the user input every filename one by one, you could also use the os module in Python to get access to the filesystem. Here is an example of a function that will collect …2 -
Re: How to add name table entries with FontTools?
Never mind, I found it. This will do the trick:from fontTools.ttLib.tables._n_a_m_e import NameRecord myRecord = NameRecord() myRecord.nameID = 128 myRecord.platformID = 64 myRecord.platEncID = 32 my…4 -
Re: Considering angle when removing margins in Python
f.info.italicAngle? Please see: UFO2 font info specification1